#107 How to be a modern dad with Han-Son Lee

Let’s be honest, when it comes down to out-dated preconceived ideas of how useless and hands off dad’s are, it’s time for a much needed update.

I get it though, according to my mum, my dad changed a whopping three nappies in his life. And as a kid, I don’t remember him being around that much because he either was at the office or in his music room rehearsing with his jazz band.

It doesn’t mean he wasn’t a loving father though. It just means he was living in a different era. And let’s face it, got away with murder…

But when I look at my older brother and I, along with all of my other male friends who happen to be dads, it’s a completely different story.

That’s right, Millennial dads are a different breed. We are more involved, we cook a lot more for our families and we change a truck load of nappies.

It’s a generalisation, sure, but as you’ll hear in today’s episode, there’s actually a study to back this statement up.

That’s right, say hello to Dad Index 2018:

“The Dad Index is the first piece of research exclusively focussed on millennial dads across the whole of Great Britain; their involvement in parenting activities, and their role as consumers.”

Turns out, according to this latest study, 87% of Millennial Dads are heavily involved in day to day parenting, more than 2/3 of dads are involved in cooking for their children during the week, and almost 40% are taking charge of the grocery shop.

That’s why I was so pumped to sit down this week with Han-Son Lee, founder of Daddilife, a website for modern dads counting 100k+ followers online who also happens to be the man behind the Dad Index 2018 study.

We talked about what it means to be a modern dad, why men are going through a bit of an identity crisis right now (and what to do about it), why we need to be more progressive at work with parent leave and why we should be excited or terrified of the world our children will grow up in.

Being unconventional means having the courage to do things differently. And I truly believe that we are changing the course of history by being more involved as dads, at home.

If you enjoyed our powerful conversation, or would like to add to the conversation, please make sure to tag me (@markleruste) and Han-Son (@daddilife) over on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

I can't wait to hear what you got out of today's episode!
