#109 Why you need to redefine what success means to you with Paul Jarvis

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." —E.E. Cummings

I read this quote a few weeks ago and it went straight to my heart. As I honestly believe that it captures the essence of what we stand for here at team Unconventionalists.

To have the courage to follow your heart, to stay true to who you really are and to never shy away from standing up for what is right.

To trust that you absolutely can have an impact with your message.

And to believe that doing meaningful and purposeful work shouldn’t be a privilege reserved to just a few, but be a birthright.

That’s why I couldn’t think of a better conversation to share with you today, as I had the pleasure of sitting down with Paul Jarvis, the Wizard of Oz behind some of the biggest personal brands online (Marie Forleo, Shaquille O'Neal, Kris Carr…) to dive deeper into what it really means to figure out what’s important to you.

And more importantly, what success means and looks like to you.

Because after all, in today’s noisy digital world, everyone is fighting for your attention, and everyone is trying to tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. Who you should and shouldn’t be.

My hope is that after listening to today’s episode, you’ll re-consider the big audacious goals you’ve set for yourself in 2019 if they’re not aligned with what your heart truly yearns for.

Paul’s story is an incredible reminder of why figuring out your path can take time, why being real and authentic matters more than anything and how you absolutely can make enough money doing what you love.

Stick around to hear Paul’s early days as a touring band!

Oh, and in case you didn’t know, Paul’s book “Company of One” is available to pre-order and you can get a whole bunch of bonuses if you buy it now.

Here’s the thing, if you’re thinking of getting the book or want to support Paul in any way, buy the book now as every “pre-sale” goes towards the first day of sell, and that’s how most publications determine “Best-Sellers”. Thanks as I know Paul will appreciate it.

And as always, if you enjoyed today’s episode, share it with a friend who you think would benefit from listing to our powerful conversation. It’s the best form of compliment you can give me.

All you have to do is either share this episode with them, tag them in my latest post on social media (@markleruste) or forward them the email I sent out to announce this new episode.

Not on my email list? Don’t panic!

Simply click here. I share a weekly tip on how to live a more meaningful and purposeful life, so make sure to get on it if you haven’t already.

Thank you and I can’t wait to hear what you got out of this week’s powerful conversation!





Book: www.ofone.co (bonuses)

Newsletter: www.pjrvs.com

Chris Brogan: https://chrisbrogan.com/

Sunday Dispatches: https://pjrvs.com/signup/

Mojave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE1g8VtNeGA

Marketoonist: https://marketoonist.com/

Startup Genom Research: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanfurr/2011/09/02/1-cause-of-startup-death-premature-scaling/#25bc2afd1fc9



“1973” by Bruno E.

“One More Chance” by Otis McDonald

“Hurts So Good Blues” by Unicorn Heads

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