#82 How to keep going with James Eder

In 2005, two weeks before graduating, James Eder launched Student Beans a discounts and deals website for students, making him one of Britain's youngest entrepreneurs at age 22.

His brother Michael joined him and together they grew Student Beans quickly to 1 million unique visitors a month.

In short, James had "crushed it".

But 12 years later, James decided to walk away from the day-to-day operations of Student Beans to focus instead on launching his new startup, Causr. A location based app connecting professionals on the go.

In short, James is on a mission to manufacture serendipity.

So when Richard Branson wrote about Causr on his LinkedIn profile in November 2016, James knew he was on to something.

Problem is, starting a business today and starting a business in 2005 are two very different things...

"I was willing to do what others wouldn't." - James Eder

In today's episode we talked about why so many of us fear being rejected and why being afraid of failing is getting in the way of your own success.

This is a really powerful conversation and I know you're going to love it.

As always, if you enjoyed today's episode, share it with a friend, it's the best form of compliment you can give me!
