When George Floyd was killed in 8min and 46 seconds on May 25th, 2020 by a Minneapolis police officer in the middle of the streets, which was captured on camera by bystanders, the world broke out with shock and anger.
What followed was a social media storm to attempt to raise awareness yet again on the historical and systematic racism across not just America, but across the world. While well-intended individuals and businesses decided to post a black image on their social media feeds in protest and use hashtags to raise awareness, much more was needed to address the bigger issue at heart.
Someone decided to continue to focus on solutions by providing even more support and direction to people and companies.
Her name is Vanessa Belleau.
Vanessa Belleau, a French Caribbean native who has called London her home for the past sixteen years, is the Founder of High Fifteen ltd, delivering future-proofing Insights and diverse strategies to businesses along with executive coaching to individuals.
Thanks to her honest & vulnerable approach, joyful nature and her "#TeamTooMuch" personality, Vanessa is an in-demand Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging consultant for SMEs and major brands such as Levi's, LVMH Group and Gymshark.
So when I had an opportunity to sit down with Vanessa to talk about race and why we can all do a little bit better to narrow the equality gap, I was both moved and touched by her personal stories and grateful for her insights and tips on how to navigate the conversation about race.
As always, if you enjoyed today's episode please share it with one friend or colleague who needs to hear this conversation.
Alone we may struggle but together we can change the world. And as always it starts with having the conversations we need to have and act with intent to create a more equal world for all.
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Vanessa's powerful journey including an emotionally charged anecdote
Why Black Greatness matters
How we can all navigate uncomfortable conversations using Vanessa's 4-step framework
Why white guilt and shame is helping no one
And how self-awareness is the key to everything
Website: www.highfifteen.com
Instagram: @highfifteen_
Lucy Werner on The Unconventionalists podcast: Episode #143
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