#20 How to build your hustle muscle with Sarah Shaw — The Unconventionalists

#20 How to build your hustle muscle with Sarah Shaw

I caught up with former Hollywood blockbuster movie costume designer turned serial entrepreneur, business consultant and virtual CEO Sarah Shaw.

In our interview we talked about:

• How sibling rivalry can set you up for entrepreneurship
• What Sarah learned from working in the movie business for 20+ years
• Why asking for business is the key to growing your business
• Why not everybody wants you to be successful
• Why you should never take no for an answer
• How turning into a stalker is totally part of running your own business
• How Sarah got her products in the hands of Jennifer Anniston, Oprah, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts, Hale Berry.
• How organic PR helped Sarah sell 2,000 necklaces on the back of one picture in a magazine
• What happened when she first met Bill Murray with no pants on...