#38 How to follow your calling with Corrina Gordon-Barnes — The Unconventionalists

#38 How to follow your calling with Corrina Gordon-Barnes

Imagine you had a successful business, doing good, and doing well. You've built a big online and offline community of people who love and support your work, because in return, you love and support their journey too. You've been paid for over 1,350 coaching hours, you've worked with over 200 coaching clients, you've written over 150 blogs, videos, webinars, you've been invited to speak at amazing conferences and you're probably making a six figure income. Now this didn't happen over night. No. You've spent the last ten years of your life dedicated to growing this business. And suddenly, one day, you decide to give it all up and start from scratch all over again. 

How would you feel?

Well, today's guest is Corrina Gordon-Barnes, who was the founder of YouInspireMe.co.uk, a thriving business with a huge following who by most standards had achieved "the dream" of most coaches: to make a good living doing something you love and have a positive impact in the process.

In today's episode you will hear for the first time Corrina share her journey of why she decided to try something different and what it feels like to start all over again.

As always, I'd love to hear from you, please let me know what was your favourite passage of our interview by sending me a message on Facebook or on Twitter.