#104 What everyone needs to know about relationships with James Sexton

What if you could reverse engineer relationships to a point where you could predict what is most likely to cost you your relationship?

What if I told you that writing up a prenup before you got married was the most romantic thing you could do?

Now what if I told you that THE best gift you could give a couple thinking of getting married was a consultation with a divorce lawyer...

Would you believe me? Or would you think I'm crazy?

Well, you're about to have an epic paradigm shift thanks to today's very special guest.

That's right, today I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with James J. Sexton, a hard-hitting divorce lawyer with over 17 years practicing who has helped over 1,200 clients navigate the tricky waters of getting divorced.

And what he's learned along the way is priceless.

So much so that he wrote an amazing book, "If You'Re In My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together" where he shares everything he's learned from the stories, trials and tribulations of his passed clients.

"Who would have guessed that the person who gives the best advice about marriage was the guy responsible for getting you out of yours.” – Judith Newman, The New York Times Book Review

Once upon a time, James was also married for 12 years and in today's conversation we dive into the myths and the realities of what it takes to stay together.

What everyone need to know in order to stay together.

I know you'll enjoy this conversation as much as I did, and if you do, please remember to let us know over on Instagram or Twitter by tagging James (@nycdivorcelawyer) and myself (@markleruste).

I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



Podcast Bootcamp: my.dent.global/uk/getpodcasting-partner/

James’s website: www.nycdivorces.com/

"If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together" by James J. Sexton: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1250130778/re…_x_lcGXBbZJ1D35X

Instagram: www.instagram.com/nycdivorcelawyer

Twitter: twitter.com/nycdivorcelaw

“Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah” By Richard Bach: www.amazon.co.uk/Illusions-Advent…ch/dp/0099427869

"The Iron Flower (Black Witch Chronicles)" by Laurie Forest: 

Marcelo Garcia Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: marcelogarciajj.com/mgjj/

Toxic Masculinity: Ways A Man Can Be Better with James Sexton | Livehacker: youtu.be/ZSxdtKHY1FY

Marriage Secrets from a Divorce Lawyer with James Sexton (Lewis Howes | The School of Greatness): youtu.be/-iXwkwIEIbI

Thích Nhất Hạnh: plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unexpected-Legacy-Divorce-Landmark-Study/dp/0786886161


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