#99 How to supercharge your health and optimise your lifestyle with Dr. Rupy Aujla

We all get it, right?

Eat your vegetables, get a sweat on, drop the soda and stay away from the freakin’ donuts.

Simple right?

Then why the hell does it feel so hard to do those things? And more importantly, why are we facing a food health crisis?

And I’m not talking about a shortage of food. I’m talking about a shortage of quality food leading to a massive scale of people being overweight.

In fact, according to the NHS 2018’ “Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet – England”, one in four adults are now classified as obese and 1 in 5 children aged 10 are classified as obese.

That’s a scary statistic right?

And in the US, it is said that today's children will live shorter lives than their parents because of obesity.

But thankfully, there are people out there fighting to turn things around and help us make sense of what the hell we can do to get healthier.

That’s why I’m super excited to share with you today’s very special episode.

Chances are you’ve seen his face spread across magazines, newspapers, tube stations and billboards…

That’s right today’s guest is Dr. Rupy Aujla, a GP in the NHS, a passionate home cook and lifestyle medic who is best known for his own podcast, Instagram account and recipe book, The Doctor’s Kitchen, dedicated to the evidence based behind nutritional advice.

What I love about Rupy is that he believes that what you chose to put on your plate is the most important health intervention you can make.

And it’s so incredibly refreshing to hear a GP preach the benefits of simple healthy food.

As you’ll hear in today’s episode, Rupy went through his own health scare as a young medic that made him take a serious look at the food we eat and the impact it has on our health.

But it wasn’t until Rupy was working as an A&E doctor in Australia that he set up the doctor’s kitchen as an Instagram account, posting recipes with clinic research behind the ingredients used to help his patients live a healthier lifestyle.

What happened next blew his mind.

Rupy has since launched a best selling cook book and has been featured on pretty much every single major newspapers, website, magazine and prime time TV, and I really believe his message needs to be heard loud and clear.

What I loved about our conversation is that Rupy was courageous enough to open up and talk about what it’s really like to try and build a movement.

I know you’ll get a lot out our conversation.

As a special bonus, I have a very special gift for you, that’s right, Rupy signed a copy of his incredible cook book, The Doctor’s Kitchen, that I’ll be giving away to one of you lucky listeners.

Don’t worry, I’ll cover the shipping costs to get this book out to you wherever you are in the world.

All you need to do is the following:

Go over on my Instagram account @markleruste:

Make sure to follow me

Find Rupy’s photo on my account

Like it and tag a friend in the comments section who you’d love to cook a tasty dish for and tell us you you picked that friend!

I’ll announce the lucky winner on Instagram on Monday 18th June at 4pm as well as in the next episode of the podcast, so stay tuned!  

But for now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the amazing Dr. Rupy Aujla!

Enjoy our powerful conversation


Win a signed copy of The Doctor's Kitchen book: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj4ptvpAr2L/?taken-by=markleruste

The Doctor's Kitchen: www.thedoctorskitchen.com

Dr Ruby Aujla's Instagram: www.instagram.com/doctors_kitchen/?hl=en

Mark’s TEDx Talk: youtu.be/f6nxcfbDfZo


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