Season 8

#77 Why your definition of success matters

What does being successful mean to you? Is it having millions in the bank? Is it living in an epic mansion? Is it being at the top of a multinational? Or maybe driving fancy cars?...

If you're a regular on the show, chances are it's probably neither of the above.

But if it's none of the above, then what is it?

In today's episode I dive into what I've come to realise about the definition of success after spending the last year running my own company.

Spoiler alert, it has nothing to do with your balance statement!

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Hope you enjoy today's episode, if you do, please share it with a friend who could benefit from hearing me share my thoughts on the definition of success.


PS: If you don't want to miss another episode, make sure to subscribe now on iTunes:



#71 How to re-invent yourself with Ravinol Chambers

#71 How to re-invent yourself with Ravinol Chambers

One of the questions I get asked the most is, "Is it too late to change doing what I'm doing?". And the short answer is NO. It's never to late. Meet Ravinol Chambers, founder of multi-award winning Be Inspired Films who literally re-invented himself over and over again. From being a broker to a monk, to a real estate mogul to a film maker. Enjoy today's episode and make sure to spread the love!