Season 5

#49 How to use the power of performance with Cathy Salit

#49 How to use the power of performance with Cathy Salit

You've probably heard of high-school drop outs becoming successful entrepreneurs. But have you ever heard of a junior high-school drop out? Who at 13 years old decided to quit school to start her own unconventional school in an abandoned store front (read squat) in New York City and convince not only students to join her but faculty too? Well, now you have. Meet Cathy Salit. 

#42 The power of authenticity with Olivier Larvor

#42 The power of authenticity with Olivier Larvor

What if your realised that you had been lying to yourself your entire life? That the problem wasn't the job, your family or where you lived, but rather how you related to yourself and how you treated others? Well, it just so happens that when Olivier Larvor went off to Brazil to experience Ayahuasca for the first time, he was faced with the hard reality of what was really at the root of his pain: himself.